Frequently Asked Questions - Injector Servicing

Q- What does a service involve?

A- When injectors come in for a service, they are inductance load tested, pressure tested, pre flow tested, ultrasonically cleaned whilst pulsing them with the machine, back-flushed to remove any debris and final flow tested. If they have metal bodies such as the Bosch EV1 / Weber / Lucas injectors, they will also be stripped of paint and rust, acid-etched and hot bake painted. After this has cured for 48 hours, new parts are installed, and the report of the findings is drafted up. As all injector services are slightly different, this will differ depending on the job.


Q- What's your servicing price structure?

A- Standard port injectors - £22.50 per injector, includes repainting if required, the parts kit is priced separately.

K Jetronic injectors - £22.50 per injector, parts kit priced separately.

High pressure injectors - £27.30 per injector, price includes new parts installed including new Teflon bushes.

Hose to rail injectors - £49.36 per injector, includes repainting and new parts installed including our ethanol-resistant hose.

Cold starts - £22.50 per injector, includes repainting if required.

Piezo injectors - £35.00 per injector, price includes new parts installed. If all fail, we charge £35.00 to cover our time.

Side feed injectors - £28.00 per injector, parts kit priced separately.

Seized Bosch EV1 style hose to rail - £85.

Service of injectors and rebuild onto fuel rail - please call for a quote.

We only charge for the injectors that pass the test.


Q- What are your service turnaround times like?

A- Every week is different, as is every job we do. We estimate the following timescales for each job, but we aim to send across your report before the end of your predicted timeslot:

Standard ports - Plastic-bodied injectors - 2 working days

                         - Metal-bodied injectors - 3 working days

High pressure injectors - 2 working days

Hose to rail injectors - 5 working days

Piezo injectors - 2 working days

Side feed injectors - 3 working days

Seized Bosch EV1 historic injectors - Please discuss with us.

Whole rail rebuilds - 2 weeks


Q- How do I book a service?

A- Email, use the 'Contact Us' page or phone 07950 281293.


Q- Will I receive anything telling me the results of the service?

A- Yes, we record all before and after readings of the injectors' spray patterns, leak test results, load testing results, flow rates and percentage of flow rate increases. We'll also stipulate what we have done to the injectors and any recommendations we have.


Q- How do I know what injectors I have?

A- The numbers are stamped on the bodies of the injectors themselves; these can sometimes be seen with the injectors in situ, without having to remove them. If you can get your injector numbers or a few photos of them, this will make it easier to help you.


Q- Can you service just one or two injectors from my set?

A- No, the whole set would need balance checking to ensure they're within the manufacturer's recommended drift allowance and are balanced as a set; we need to ensure none are over- or under-fuelling.


Q- I'm not in the UK, can I still send in my injectors for service?

A - We no longer accept injectors from outside the UK. Please email us for more info.